The film follows Santiago Munez (Kuno Becker) as he starts from the barrio of Los Angeles as an illegal immigrant from Mexico. Munez struggles against is overly proud father (Tony Plana) and near poverty.
One day while playing a pickup game, Munez is noticed by Glen Foy (Stephan Dillane) who sees a magic in the young man. Munez isn’t sure of his talent but begins to believe Foy’s vision.
One day while playing a pickup game, Munez is noticed by Glen Foy (Stephan Dillane) who sees a magic in the young man. Munez isn’t sure of his talent but begins to believe Foy’s vision.
Foy phones in a favor with the prestigious soccer club Newcastle United in England and promises Munez that if he can get to England he will get a shot at making the team.
Munez struggles to make his dream come true much to the disappointment of his father. Leaving his life behind, Munez boards a plane and heads to England.
The trials and tribulations that Munez faces as he tries to achieve his dream will test every fiber of his being. “Goal!” is basically like every other sports film before it as a young hero does all he can to make it in the big league. What is different about the film is that it’s about soccer and also the film is tailor-made for soccer fans.
There are a lot of sequences where the film could be compared to “Rocky” and those memories only make the film all the more memorable. Well soccer fans like me will truly enjoy this movie and what more ? there's a sequel coming in 2007. I will definitely wait for all the sequel with great expectation.
My Rating : ***
Genre : Drama/Sport
Director : Danny Cannon
Cast : Kuno Becker, Alessandro Novola, Anna Friel, Stephen Dillane
1 comment:
Really well written movie.I like it more than Goal II which next extention of the movie.It really have all the entertainment package which you are looking for.
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